Tag Archives: drug info and advice


I love the music scene, I meet  awesome people with many amazing, funny stories and share some great memories. Recently I can’t help but notice the word ‘MCAT‘ is the new word on the scene. This is a new drug out on the street that can be bought in shops, it’s referred to as a ‘legal high’. The drug is better known as ‘meow’,’ mieow’, mephedrone, ‘mcat’, ‘4mmc’ the list goes on.

Mcat , meow meow is a stimulant, according to sources it’s a similar experience to that of MDMA, it gives you a sense of euphoria. Some people said they felt  in love with the world, even with people they never met before. Meow sounds like a right ball, shame I don’t feel the love for it. The words used to describe feelings on this drug were, excited, energetic, alert, chatty, confident etc. It all sounds wonderful but are people really aware of what they are taking?!! Ur No!!!

I recently read a post or a report on a drug forum, it’s well written but I’m not sure the content has really been thought out.It gives a good account of some one experimenting with an unknown new drug but it also seems to have selling points. The individual has had a good time and really gets this message out to its’ viewers, things happened to this individual that had not happened before i.e. being more accurate with his typing and better at drumming. Mind you if one is under the influence anything could sound better, when I’m tiddly or slightly further than that I’m so convinced at the time that I sound great, I can’t believe some of the ideas I can come up with and the logic that follows…things make sense but in reality and in the cold light of day I was slurring my words and believing in rediculous stuff. Taking a drug isn’t going to make you better at everything, well it may do in your head for a while but soon, you’ll probably just ruin what you already had, you may even become slow…no one knows….yet, don’t let it be you to be the one to find out.

So my point is that if you’re under the influence you can believe anything, drugs do things to your mind, chemicals are released, imbalances occur, reactions happen hence people thinking they really can fly!!

Mcat has not been around for long and just because it is supposedly legal, people instantly assume that it is safer when infact no one knows, I wouldn’t like to make a bold statement right now but my thoughts are leaning towards this drug being particularly bad. I know of two cases where young people have taken the drug and had effects such as passing blood through their urine, kidneys are killing and have been really poorly;  all been since they met mcat, they only had a few goes and are certain the drug has caused health problems, they are both seeing doctors as they are that concerned, when I can find out more info I will update this post.

Anyway if you are reading this please please think about it, if you’re curious or you have tried it but havent experienced health problems please stop now, I have a real passion against this drug, if you mess up on it how are doctors supposed to help you? They don’t know anything about it, if anything you are volunteering to be the lab rats.

Click on this for further interesting reading, you will see that there have been bad experiences with vicious side effects, also no one seems to know much, responses to the intial post

mcat bad catmkhat bad cat mcat bad cat mkhat bad cat mcat bad cat mkhat bad cat mcat bad cat mkhat bad cat mcat bad cat mkhat bad cat

side effects side effects side effects side effects side effects side effects side effects side effects side effects side effects side effects side effects

meph meph meph meph meph meph meph meph meph meph meph meph meph

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