An inspirational writer/author, Cristian Mihai

Author, writer and bookseller Cristian Mihai has really caught my attention, what a passionate and inspiring young person who is clearly on his way to a successful future.

I have read his blog and a couple of his free e books which come highly recommended.’One’ is a short story about addictions and the manner in which they break us down. I found this an interesting read since I have a couple of friends who I think would relate to that experience and I was also thinking the piece places you temporarily into the mind of those persons who smoke all day every day. I too used to smoke and can understand the psychological ideas Mihai presents and it’s interesting to think just how complex and powerful an addiction can actually be.

‘Memento Mori’ was another interesting read and I think it’ almost daring…people just don’t like to talk about these things and perhaps that’s a problem in societies. We don’t talk about certain things enough and therefore when it comes to crunch time it’s all very shady and uncomfortable. What did happen Sept 6th 1957???

If you’re interested in writing his blog offers some great words and advice. Please visit his site to find out more and access some of those interesting short stories.

For regular updates and news follow Cristian Mihai on  Twitter

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